In this paper we describe our experience with an advanced development process for Automotive ECUs running OSEK. We have used this development process to develop a demo ECU for a car tail light. Running Motorola OSEK-OS/08 on a M68HC08 target with generated application code and an early HW/SW co-verification. In this advanced development process we identified five main stages that are listed below. Some stages are performed in parallel to shorten significantly development time. One of the key advantages is the verification along the V-model, at each level of abstraction, while moving from the specification down to the final integration. In the traditional, flow the verification can only be performed on the right branch of the V-model of an ECU.
The main stages are:
Functional requirements specification (Done in Statemate MAGNUM © I-Logix)
Software design, of the above functional specification, targeted at OSEK-OS 2.0 with automatic code generation (Done in Auto MicroC © I-Logix)
Verification and high level debugging (e.g. tasks, state charts) of the application code and
OSEK-OS 2.0 on a target hardware independent platform (Motorola OSEK-OS/NT)
Verification and debugging of the application code running on a Virtual ECU (HW/SW co-verification, analog/digital behavior simulation, done in VHDL and MAST TM ).
Verification and high level debugging of the application code, running on the target hardware (Done on Motorola OSEK-OS 2.0/08, HI-WARE Tools © and HI-CROSS © cross compiler and HIWAVE debugger)
The transition from the first stage output, the functional requirement specification, to the second stage, the software design, is done automatically through tool collaboration. This tool collaboration reduces translations and communication errors as well as significantly reducing the development time needed to capture the application functionality. Stage three provides a target hardware independent environment for verification of the generated code with OSEK-OS on Windows NT TM . The virtual ECU, fourth stage, provides a strong, on host, environment that allows short cycles of debugging and bug fixing (hardware and software architecture) up to an advanced development stage, thus reducing the on-real-target debugging time. The fifth stage provides a vertical transparent debug environment for target hardware back to the high abstraction level where the software was designed.