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Topology Optimization for Suspension Component During Concept Design Phase


Raffaele Fregonese - FIAT Research Centre
Moreno Folli - FIAT Research Centre


Through the present paper we intend to explain the development of an innovative automotive component, the rear subframe of the new Alfa Romeo 156. This component, which is part of the rear suspension, has been optimized with respect to static and dynamic problems, in order to fulfill functional and vibrational requirements. At the very beginning of the design process, manufacturability and technological aspects have been taken into account, in order to exploit completely the possibility offered by an innovative production process.

The optimal shape of the component (from the structural point of view) has been determined by topology optimization, while technological constraints have been considered by a strict cooperation between structural and Teksid technology experts. Subsequently, a shape optimization problem has been set up, in order to minimize the weight increasing the performance.

Both dynamic and linear static responses have been considered as constraints in this phase, working in a multidisciplinary context.

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