The new automotive electrical system, i.e. an additional electrical system with a 42V supply, has good prospects of being implemented. Some two years of preliminary considerations have culminated in a relatively clear concept for the new electrical system. It is now a matter of standardizing this concept worldwide and demonstrating the advantages of the 42V system and potential solutions using functional demonstrators. There is now a definite call for low-resistance power semiconductors with appropriate dielectric strength.
Siemens has taken up the challenge from the outset and is working on new adapted technologies in order to be able to implement suitable power semiconductors for the new electrical system, but also for related applications with similar voltage requirements. Such applications include power electronics for 24V heavy duty trucks (VAZ > 65V) as well as applications with local higher supply voltage, such as automotive fuel direct injection (VAZ > 80V).
This article presents three technology variants with which Siemens intends to cover this future market as well as initial component developments using these technologies. We shall first discuss in further detail the resultant cost advantages in terms of chip and package costs with reference to typical applications.