Real understanding and prediction of possible failures in any system in the field of motor vehicles represents a necessary basis for any programme or project the aim of which is increasing reliability or solving other problems conditioned by failure occurrence. As one of the methods the aim of which is encouraging planning, FMEA is getting more and more significant. It is systematical method for detecting the weak spots of technical systems, as well as potential failures and their effects. Application of FMEA is an imaginative, systematic research concerning product (FMEA of construction) and manufacturing process (FMEA of process). FMEAs are intended to result in preventive actions; they are not after-the fact exercises done to satisfy a customer or obtain QS 9000 status. Since FMEA is an integral part of any complete QS 9000 system of quality (issuing from ISO 9001, 1994.), we have demonstrated the role of FMEA in a typical system quality, as well as its position in different stages of a product life cycles. We have analyzed the kinds of current controls and special characteristics, which are related to FMEA. We have also emphasized the importance of Risk Priority Number (RPN = S x O x D), as well as of the relation among the severity of effects (S), occurrence of failure (O) and detection of cause or failure mode (D). FMEA is a process represented by an algorithm. Considerable space in our work has been given to the shortcomings and advantages of this system. In collaboration with Yugoslav industry, we have developed an FMEA construction model for motor vehicle link elements, together with the criteria for all the values necessary for its development. We have described in detail all the constituent link elements, as well as their characteristics. Also, we recommend certain corrective measures where necessary (e.g. when RPN is unsatisfactory). FMEA application is necessary in all segments, so the logical question is: Can FMEA be avoided at all?