A methodology for the simulation of the dynamical behaviour of highly dynamic electromechanical components is shown in general. An electromagnetic valve for the control of the active comfort chassis in a vehicle is shown as practice oriented automotive example.
The principal methods for the simulation of electromechanical components and their benefits are shown in a first step. Here, the consideration of the full physical effects in moving parts of non-linear electromechanical components is explained when using field calculation methods.
The efficiency of the presented procedures is pointed out, as well as the fact, that this is the only way to make predictional calculation of such systems. The neglections of the main physical effects in a valve, that are done in the known and usual calculation methods, lead to an inaccurate and non-optimised design, resulting in heavy weight components and additional risks concerning system failure and safety aspects. These usual designs up to now were based on simplified calculation methods and empirical procedures, thus they were technical optima by chance only.
The presented procedures based on fully-dynamic considerations and system simulations show, how the optimisation process can be done accurately and at the same time in a very early design phase. By using these methods, an optimisation in weight and higher operation safety level of the component and the adjacent system may be achieved. Finally the extrapolation of the presented methods for the calculation of actuator systems as ABS Valves, relais, electrical camshafts in a vehicle is shown.