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Validation of Automotive Component FE Models by means of Test-analysis Correlation and Model Updating Techniques


Marc Brughmans - LMS International
Jan Leuridan - LMS International
Tom Van Langenhove - LMS International
Faruk Turgay - ROVER Group Ltd


This paper reports on test-analysis correlation and model updating activities carried out in the context of the European research project “HPC-VAO” (ESPRIT Project nr 20074, High Performance

Computational environment for Vibro-Acoustic Optimisation).

The central aim of the project is the implementation of a state-of-the-art CAE environment to support design optimisation in the field of NVH engineering.

A specific objective covers the validation of the simulation models that are used in the vibro-acoustic optimisation framework. The validity and reliability of these models can be drastically improved by application of ‘model updating’ techniques. Whilst much research has been done in this field in the last decade, the number of cases where the technique has been used on industrial applications are slowly but steadily growing.

In the project a specific workpackage is dedicated to correlation and model updating techniques with a focus on their deployment in a NVH environment where typically large FEA and test models are encountered.

The approach to the integration of model updating techniques in such an environment is illustrated by a validation case carried out by one of the industrial end-users of the project consortium.

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