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Testing and FE Modelling of the Dynamic Properties of Carbon Black Filled Rubber


Jurado, F.J - SEAT Technical Center
Mateo, A. - SEAT Technical Center
Gil-Negrete, N. - CEIT
Viñolas, J. - CEIT
Kari, L. - KTH


The authors are involved in the development of finite element models for rubber bushings of cars for the reduction of vibration transmission and structure-borne noise. This work is part of the European BRITE project OSCAR (Optimisation of Structural Connections for Noise and Vibration

Reduction). The paper presents how the material static and dynamic properties of bushings have been determined and the influence of different parameters on these properties. Special attention has been dedicated to the influence of frequency (0-500 Hz), temperature, strain amplitude and preload on the dynamic properties. Natural rubber with different contents of carbon black has been analysed. A new shear sample, which gave good results for the material characterisation, has been defined and is shown in the paper.

The paper describes how these static and dynamic properties have to be used when modelling a realistic part subjected to both static and dynamic loads. An example of the calculation of the static and dynamic stiffness of a rubber mount is included and compared to the results obtained experimentally on a test machine.

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