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Skew V-belt Pulleys


Goran Gerbert


When metal V-belts run on splitted metal pulleys for CVT drives (Continuously Vairable Transmissions), the deflection of the pulley might be of the same magnitude as the deflection of the belt. This matter calls for attention to the flexibility of the pulley and its influence on the axial forces. Three types of pulley flexibilityies are identified. Local deflection (proportional to local pressure):The compliances of the belt and the pulley are added and the ordinary V-belt mechanism is applicable. This slightly decreases the axial forces of the driver pulley. Plate deflection:Plate theory might be applied on the pulley halves giving rise to global deflections (not only associated to the local pressure). This case needs to be further treated. Skew pulley (non parallel pulley halves):Two characteristic cases are identified. ?) Small to medium skewness give rise to axial forces which do not differ too much from the ideal case (parallel pulley halves). ?)Large skewness results in considerable increase in axial force (50-100 per cent) for low to medium torques.For higher torques the axial forces adjust to the ideal case. This curious matter calls for supplementary experimental investigations.

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