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A Comparative Study of Some Energetic Solutions on a Direct Injection Spark Ignition Engine


Lect.Dr.-Eng.Rakosi, E. - Technical University Iasi
Lect.Dr.-Eng.Rosca R. - Technical University Iasi
Prof.Dr.-Eng.Gaiginschi R. - Technical University Iasi
Dipl.-Eng. Mojilian D. - Daimler-Benz Auto-Rom Ltd.


The paper presents the synthesis of long studies concerning some combustion chamber associated with more compression ratios for the adjustment of a spark ignition engine to the conditions of direct injection of gasoline. We present the injection equipment, in connection with the solutions we used and the results we obtained with different compression ratios. Some information about the influence of the injection advance on the performances of the engine functioning in rating is also included. The paper ends wit the power, torque and fuel consumption performances.

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