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Passenger Car Body Behaviour During Testing under Laboratory Conditions


Dr . -Eng. Milovanovic M. - R.& D. Institute Car factory Zastava
Dipl. -Eng. Radisavljevic M. - R.& D. Institute Car factory Zastava
Dipl. –Eng. Kostic V. - R.& D. Institute Car factory Zastava


In order to create conditions for predicting this behaviour during impact, the R&D Institute has developed the method for quasi-static testing of the body behaviour, under conditions of large deformations, including the following: measurements of the whole body deformation flow at the selected measuring locations, measurements of the total body deformation at more than 150 measuring locations, as well as body behaviour recording using several cameras. The conducted research studies give additional data concerning behaviour of the body supporting structure elements on the frontal or rear frame. The testing conditions are less favorable for the body itself because the testing is performed until the body cracks, thus the influence of other power train components (that can lead to a different load distribution on the body) is eliminated.

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