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Direct Injection Diesel Motor Poluant Emissions Reduction by Preheating the in Motor Injected Fuel


Dr Ing. Mekki Chedli - Universitatea Politehica Timisoara
Prof. Dr. Ing. Iorga Daniel - Universitatea Politehica Timisoara
As. Ing. Ostoia Daniel - Universitatea Politehica Timisoara
As. Ing.negoitescu Arina - Universitatea Politehica Timisoara


Previous researches shows the requirements to establishing an optimum diesel oil heating temperature, between the environmental and water cooling system temperature (80 °C), all this leading to better engine performances, both energetic and emissions exhausted.

The researches were developed for different temperature of the fuel, in the range 20 - 80 °C, temperatures that are very easy to be obtained, using the heat exhausted by the cooling system.

The researches didn’t emphasized an absolute optimum temperature, favorable from all points of view (energetic parameters and smoke degree). Having in sight only the smoke degree, 80 °C diesel oil temperature represent an optimum value, smoke decreasing both at load operation and in free acceleration of the diesel engine.

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