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The Influence of Mixing Process on D.I. Diesel Engine upon Energetic Parameters and Emissions


Professor Dr. Eng. Corneliu Cofaru - Transilvania University of Brasov
Associate Professor Dr. Eng. Nicolae Ispas - Transilvania University of Brasov


The paper presents the research work developed by the Automotive and Engine Department in view of improving the quality of the Diesel engine processes.

The aim of these researches was to control the air – fuel mixing and combustion processes by taking into account the gases change, the energy of the air charge and the characteristics of the fuel jet parameters.

The first stage of the work was to develop different conditions by simulation techniques.

The next stage was developed by means of the engine on testing bench for validation of different numerical simulated situations such as: level of the air swirl motion, the jet characteristics for different nozzle dimensions parameters, variable injection timing and injection pressure.

Results present the influence of these factors on: combustion delay, combustion phases, heat release, level of emissions.

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