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The Development of a New Diesel Fuel Based on Plastic Polymers Combustion Studies


Dr. Valentin A. Soloiu - The Polytechnic University Bucharest
Dr. Yoshinobu Yoshihara - Ritsumeikan University Dr. Masakatsu Hiraoka - Ritsumeikan University
Dr. Kazuie Nishiwaki - Ritsumeikan University


A new thermal recycling system for waste plastics has been developed. In this system, waste plastics are melted and mixed with A-Heavy Fuel Oil (AHFO) at a temperature around 200 ºC to obtain new fuels for diesel engine generation systems. In this paper, the results of the studies on chemical, physical properties and bomb combustion of fluidized plastic polymers as: Low Density Polyethylene (LDPE), Polyvinyl-Chlorine (PVC), Polystyrene (PS) and Polypropylene (PP) are presented. It is suggested that heating above 130 ºC is necessary for the proper injection in a Diesel engine for 5% LDPE mixture and around 120 ºC for 25% PP mixture.

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