Keywords - location referencing, on-the-fly, map-based, AGORA-C, code size
Abstract - On-the-fly location referencing between map-based systems has been a stubborn issue for many years. On-the-fly means no pre-coding of locations, and no location tables. A code is created, when needed, in the map database of the sending system, transmitted as part of a message, decoded by the receiving system, and then discarded. The EU funded FP5 project AGORA (ended October 2002) aimed at integrating three existing approaches, and was able to meet its target hit rate of 95%. However, average code size is over 250 bytes, by far too large for commercial application. The problems are that one of the constituting methods is too different from the other two and requires many co-ordinate points, and that real integration was not achieved. The new AGORA-C approach builds on the AGORA results, but introduces several improvements to reduce both code size and complexity, while aiming at a similar hit rate. A draft specification will be published in May 2004. First test results show a hit rate of 96% between different map databases, and an average code size of 41 bytes.