Keywords CFD, aeroacoustics, noise, reduction
Abstract - The identification of aeroacoustic sources and the prediction of airborne noise has for many years been restricted to academic models due to the complexity of the physical phenomena that occur in the generation of noise sources.
The implementation of equivalent sources in commercial codes, along with adapted CFD methods has made the study of industrial cases possible. These equivalent sources are the dipoles and quadrupoles. The dipole equivalent source is associated with surfaces, around which unsteady flow applies time-varying forces. The quadrupole equivalent source is associated with unsteady flow away from the surface.
The objectives of this study are to characterize the door mirror acoustically and to understand the physics of the phenomena that are responsible for the noise generated. The study focuses on an industrial door mirror, which was attached to a rigid plane in order to minimize the complexity of the problem. The tests were done in an aerocoustic wind tunnel.
This paper presents the study of the characterization of the aeroacoustic sources due to a door mirror, and the prediction of radiated noise at different speeds. The correlation between simulated and tested results is also described.