Keywords Alcohol, Alternative Fuels, Oxygenates, bio- fuels
In spite of the conflicting evidence on global warming due to greenhouse gas emissions, bio- fuels use has been considered as an important long term strategy to reduce such gases. Several countries are considering bio- fuel use in their environmental and energy policies.
Brazil was the first country to start a large bio- fuel program, with the main objective being to use ethanol as a gasoline extender. The Brazilian Government started the PROALCOOL program in 1975. This program, despite some operational problems during the nineties, has been a successful program, taking into account technological developments in the automotive industry and ethanol production, and in economic, social and environmental areas.
This paper describes an updated vision of the program, considering future trends, scenarios and opportunities. This paper also presents the results of a research program developed to evaluate the use of ethanol as a mixture in diesel fuel and flex- fuel vehicles in automotive market.