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Integration of Powertrain and Tyres with Low-Noise road Surfaces


Ernst Pucher* - Vienna University of Technology
Johann Litzka - Vienna University of Technology
James Girard - Vienna University of Technology
Jürgen Haberl - Vienna University of Technology


Keywords - Tyre Road Noise, Silent Roads, Tyre Technology, Vehicle Parameters,

Engine Noise

Abstract - The EU-project SILVIA - Sustainable Road Surfaces for Traffic Noise Control - aims at providing decision-makers with a tool allowing them to rationally plan traffic noise control measures. The main final product will be a “European Guidance Manual on the Utilisation of Low-Noise Road Surfaces" integrating low-noise road surfaces with other traffic noise control measures including vehicle and tyre noise regulation, traffic management and road and building noise protection equipment. Low-noise road surfaces can achieve substantial reductions in road traffic. However, in order to take advantage of the low-noise surfaces, the integration of the surfaces with other noise abatement measures must be explored. This is accomplished in work package WP5 of the project.

The objectives of WP5 are:

•To describe noise reduction solutions taking into account the combination of pavement and tyre design.

•To address noise reduction possibilities by assessing other vehicle noise sources (e.g. reducing engine and drive train noise).

Preliminary examinations have demonstrated that the behaviour of the pavement referring to the tyre road noise is different for passenger car tyres and tyres of trucks. A road surface for low tyre road noise of trucks might be different from a pavement for a low passenger car tyre. The influence of operating conditions including cruise-by and accelerated pass-by as well as the influence of different types of power units for passenger cars as diesel and petrol internal combustion engines can strongly influence the level of pass-by noise for a vehicle.

The goal of this paper is to examine the parameters of tyres, vehicles and driving conditions in order to demonstrate the potential to further the noise reductions achieved by low-noise road surfaces through a systematic optimisation of the vehicle, tyre and road surface.

Integrating low-noise surfaces with low-noise powertrain and tyres, the results of the above effort will be used in the SILVIA project to produce a guidance manual on "Advanced Low-Noise Highway Design" to help decision-makers to rationally plan noise control measures taking into account full life-cycle costs.

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