Keywords Alternative Fuel, Ignition energy, Lean Burn, Lean Burn Spark Ignition Combustion Engine, Satisfied Charge
Abstract - New regulations regarding to harmful exhaust gases and fuel economy have been enforced recently in Korea. This research focuses on the reduction of exhaust gases and improvement of fuel economy. Alternative fuels as well as lean burn combustion were used in order to achieve those goals. Lean burn combustion has some problems which mainly related to the unstable combustion condition, as a result of the ignitability defect, low pressure and heat loss due to combustion period expanding. For that reason spark ignition process, air fuel mixture flow and satisfied charge of combustion chamber need to be improved. The major factor of designing lean burn combustion engine is to prevent misfire.
When air fuel ratio is over 20:1, misfire in the cylinder, non-uniform combustion and vibration are responsible for the deteriorated engine output. Recently, research has focused on ultra lean burn combustion engine when it produces misfire. The reason for that is the increase in the air to air fuel mixture ratio, which is adjusted from 30:1 to 50:1. To solve this problem, spark plugs of traditional engine should be improved. Further more the location should be adjusted as injecting fuel.
The main aim of the project is to optimize the elements of the ignition system for injection improvement in heavy duty LPG Engine.
Facsimile constant volume chamber of heavy duty LPG Engine was designed to investigate flame propagation characteristics with minimized effect of turbulent flame, and basic combustion. Ignition experimental equipment was designed to measure variable temperatures of Ignition system. Parameters like fuel equivalence and fuel mixing ratio, fuel Injection pressure, and Injector geometry were set up. The interaction between those parameters and mixture formation, combustion characteristics and fuel spray development were presented as well.