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Research Concerning the Diesel Engine using Vegetal Oil as Fuel


Nicolae Burnete - Technical University of Cluj-Napoca
Nicolae Filip* - Technical University of Cluj-Napoca
Virginia Coman - “Raluca Ripan” Institute of Research in Chemistry
Coldea Cristian - Technical University of Cluj-Napoca
Varga Bogdan Ovidiu - T


Keywords: biodiesel, transesterification, compression ignition engine, output, pollutants.


In this paper it is presented some results of research on fuel made from fresh vegetal oil and from food used oil, for Diesel engines.

In the last time studies and researches regarding the fuels for internal combustion engines for the automobiles and tractors, are based on the possibility to use as a fuel the vegetable oils and in this way some tests was developed in the Internal Combustion Engine Laboratory from

Technical University of Cluj-Napoca.

At the beginning, using a magnetic resonance method in comparison with classic fuel it is shown some properties of this fuels which were determined in laboratory in order to know the energetic potential.

Thus, a engine speed characteristic was made up using an own production compression ignition engine which was fueled with fossil fuel and two kinds of biofuels, RME 5-1 and RME 5-2. In this way were assigned a number of seven graphs as follow: output variation, torque variation, specific fuel consumption and significant pollutants variation. All those tests were carried out on a stand briefly described in the paper. In the present are studied the influences of biofuels over the wear of the engine.

The final paragraph of the paper contains conclusions about the tests and points out the opportunity of using biofuels for Diesel engine.

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