Keywords - Elimination of layer of ice on the windscreen,,elimination of dirt,integration in the current windscreen-washing-system safety.
Abstract Ficosa International presents the new technology of its Windscreen defrosting System.The device uses the power of heat to defrost the windscreen in any vehicle,which due to climatological causes has been covered in ice or snow,avoiding the manual action of scraping the ice and substituting other more complex and expensive systems.
It consists of a thermic-electronic module which is used to squirt out water at 66 to 67 º C in less than a minute onto the windscreen of the vehicle,and so defrosting a layer of ice or snow as well as enabling the elimination of dirt and splashes.The defroster improves the safety of the driver and guarantees total visibility.It has an automatic functioning device and it can be applied to all washing systems of the windscreen which incorporates outlets that generate a fan shaped projection onto the windscreen.It is easy to install in series vehicles and as an additional accessory.
The Ficosa International team of I+D has developed this system in its installations in Rubi , near Barcelona,over the last 5 years,having obtained the patent for the defroster on international scale.Currently four manufacturers of vehicles are making tests for its incorporation in their next vehicles.
Technical record
-Heating 100 ml of water in 45 seconds at 0 º C atmospheric in 60 seconds at -15 ºC atmospheric
-Automatic application of the water onto the windscreen using the pressure of the pump itself from the conventional system for windscreen washing
-Consumption:52 ampere at the moment the system is turned on (peak)stabilizing itself to 40 during the heating cycle.
-Voltage:Adapted to the installation of the vehicle of 12V and available for any voltage.
-Completely automated system by electronic device synchronized with the windscreen wipers.
-Close circuit protected against fire.
-It works by special heat resistances specially for fluids integrable in the windscreen wipers deposit.
-For safety the safety always guarantees the windscreen wiper functioning even when it is in heating period.