Keywords Calibration, automatic transmissions, objectification, shift comfort, chassis dynamometer
Abstract The gear shift characteristics of automobiles with automatic transmissions are determined by the shift strategy stored in the transmission control unit (TCU) and the parameter-controlled shift sequences. In other words, the driver has no influence over the shift quality in terms of comfort. For the optimization of a vehicle/engine/ transmission system therefore, the parameters responsible for the shift sequences are calibrated in the TCU in such a way that the subjective perception of shift comfort and quality - evaluated by objective measurement parameters - is the optimum for all speed and load ranges and for every type of shift.
Considering the growing number of vehicles with automatic transmissions on the market and the large number of calibration parameters, the focus is on reducing the time required for optimization runs.
This paper describes a laboratory environment developed by the Institute of Automotive Engineering where automated shift comfort optimization can be carried out on a chassis dynamometer. The next stage of the work is to transfer the automation concept to an engine transmission test bed, followed in the future by the use of HiL test beds based on modular simulation models.