Keywords - Sound Design, Vehicle Interior Noise Simulation, Hybrid Method, Transfer Path, CFD
Abstract - There is no doubt that vehicle noise influences the overall quality impression of a vehicle. Aside from obvious criteria (vehicle design), noise criteria can be used as well to dissociate one's own vehicle fleet from others. Therefore every automobile company strives to achieve their own special brand vehicle sound depending on vehicle class.
This paper introduces a new sound design procedure for developing a brand interior sound. It will be demonstrated that the hybrid vehicle interior noise simulation VINS is a very efficient tool for cleaning the interior noise from disturbing noise phenomena and subsequently designing the interior sound to a harmonic pleasant or very sporty sound. In this context, hybrid method means that measured as well as calculated noises are considered in the simulation tool. It will be explained how calculated noise sources like intake orifice are considered in VINS to predict the influence on overall interior sound.
The sound design method starts with a benchmarking and then proceeds with VINS in a second step to define a realistic virtual target sound. To achieve the overall interior sound target in a demonstrator vehicle, the targets are broken down to single noise sources and transfer paths. This procedure is called Reverse Sound Target Setting." Since the development work can be realized by the departments responsible for the respective component, this is a highly practical method. In the final stage, the demonstrator vehicle is set up, evaluated and compared with the virtual sound.