Keywords wheelchair, safety, vehicle, regulations, standards
Abstract - In Europe, the safety of wheelchair users travelling in vehicles is largely unregulated at this time, although this is gradually changing. Recognition of the specific safety needs of wheelchair users has resulted in the development of International Standards Organisation (ISO) Standards, technical provisions being included in European Commission (EC) Directives and the ongoing development of UNECE Regulations. National accessibility standards have also been introduced in some countries driven by civil rights legislation. Against this background the Department for Transport in the United Kingdom (UK) commissioned research to establish appropriate safety criteria for wheelchair users. Computer simulation and dynamic testing with instrumented dummies were used to establish safety recommendations that would provide a similar level of safety for wheelchair users compared to other seated passengers in vehicles. The findings of this work are now being used to develop vehicle construction standards for passenger cars and taxis in the UK, and to inform the development of international standards. These include the development of EC Directives, UNECE Regulations and ISO Standards.