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Injuries of the Foot and Ankle Joint and their Mechanisms


Mihai-Costin Chiru - University for Medicine and Pharmacy “Iuliu Hatieganu” Cluj-Napoca



Although various automobile accident surveys showed that 20-30% of lower limb injuries involved foot or ankle, there is little information about their mechanism. The study made it possible to associate the fracture mechanisms with the injury locations within and near the ankle and to identify four common fracture mechanisms: inversion or eversion, direct vertical force, dorsiflexion, and direct side force. Two mechanisms must be regarded separately: the force mechanism that results from footroom deformations and the slip-off mechanism of the feet. In my paper, I mentioned that these injuries occur with lesser accident severity, that suggests that the kinetic limitation of the footroom is exceeded. Based on the results obtained by wellknown researchers, I am suggesting a range of solutions in order to avoid these situations: the modification of the pedals, an increased resistance of the car floor and chassy, the construction of the command panel from high shock-absorbing materials, the conception of a protection structure under the command panel.

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