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Assesment of the Quality of Combustion in Compression Ignition Engines through Vibration Signature Analysis


Gideon Goldwine - Ben-Gurion University
Gal Debotton - Ben-Gurion University
Boris Rivin - Ben-Gurion University
Eran Sher - Ben-Gurion University



When the relative contribution of an individual cylinder to the engine output is different from its counterparts, the engine is operating under non-balanced conditions. This may cause power deterioration, high fuel consumption and excessive engine emissions in the short term, and a mechanical damage breakdown in the long term. To improve the engine quality, there is a strong need for information concerning the inmbalance between the cylinders. The methodology introduced in the present work suggests a newly developed approach towards analyzing the vibration analysis of diesel engines. The method is based on fundamental relationship between the engines vibration pattern and the relative characteristics of the combustion process in each different cylinder.

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