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The Map Enabled ADAS Future!


T’Siobbel Stephen - Tele Atlas
Rob van Essen - Tele Atlas



Digital maps, vehicle safety applications, ADAS, road safety


This paper addresses the challenges to realise the digital map databases for ADAS applications that are vital components for automotive systems developed to improve road safety and mobility. The ‘ADAS map’ can function as a primary or secondary sensor in ADAS applications and enable different systems. The realisation of the

‘ADAS map’ can only be realistic when different provisions can be met by all parties involved in the ADAS value chain. Discussed are the needs for clear and stable data requirements and specifications, the need for all parties involved to adhere to standards, opportunities for cost effective and efficient creation and update of ADAS map databases, the role of public private partnership in this context, the role of governmental support, and map database certification issues. An overview of the relevant initiatives where Tele Atlas as a leading map maker is involved in concludes this paper.

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