Magneto-strictive bilayer, bending, Heartbeat, Respiratory rhythm, Bi-directional Air mass flow sensor.
Within the B-Sens European project, the Fiat Research Centre is analysing the possible automotive application of new bilayer material category as a basic element for multi-functional sensor families with potential to replace many conventional sensor type (e.g. temperature, acceleration) through identical design. The Bilayer material consisting of a magnetostrictive layer (ML) and a non magnetic counter-layer (CL), bending yielding pure compression in the ML as a basis for a sensor signal. The Centro Ricerche Fiat identified different new applications in the automotive field.
One of these applications is the development of a bi-directional fluid mass flow sensor; the fluid r mass flow bends the ribbon, the bending is proportion to the generated signal. The main advantage is that the sensor is sensitive to the flow direction.
The activity has been focused on the feasibility study of a fluid mass flow sensor to the applied to measure the mass flow of the refrigerant fluid in the air conditioning system.
This application has been selected because there is not, at present, any sensor suitable to be installed on-board to perform this measurement at low cost and the mass flow detection is interesting also for other application (e.g. engine air inlet).
The same sensitive elements has been also evaluated to detect the heartbeat and the respiratory rhythm of the driver. A series of experiments have been performed by applying a sensor on different positions on a seat by the help of an adhesive tape.