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Driver-Adaptive Driver Assistance System based on Precise Navigation, Environment Sensing and Driver Monitoring: System Proposal and Experiments


Shin Kato* - National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST)
Naoko Minobe - National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST)
Sadayuki Tsugawa - Meijo University


Keywords - Driving Assistance Systems, Driver Adaptive Systems, Driver Monitoring, Advanced Vehicle Control and Safety Systems (AVCSS), ITS

Abstract - This paper proposes a driver-adaptive driver assistance system aiming at helpful, appropriate and not annoying assistance for any driver and describes some experiments. The analyses of the driver operations of the steering wheel, the brake pedal, the acceleration pedal, and the turn signals monitored with a CCD camera and other sensors suggests a possibility of a driver-adaptive driver assistance system. Combination of the direct or indirect driver monitoring system and the car navigation system with a precise map database including the road geometry and the traffic regulations as well as surrounding situation sensing systems will enhance the assistance system, and enable the prediction of the driver maneuver, which helps the assistance system. The driver-adaptive system proposed in this paper is a trial of a driver assistance system for safety to increase the driver acceptance of the systems.

An experiment of stop assistance with the driver adaptive information support and warring system using an experimental vehicle is described to verify the proposal. The feasibility of the system has been proved by the experiments with a vehicle equipped with the precise car navigation system, driver monitoring system and driver adaptive rules. The driver adaptive principles will be based on not only the driver assistance means but also the timing and the level of the assistance.

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