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Feasibility of ADAS Applications for Traffic Safety


Meng Lu - Nijmegen University
Kees Wevers* - Navigation Technologies


Keywords- ADAS, road traffic safety, sensor technologies, infrastructure, policy

Abstract - Governments in several European countries, and the EU have set challenging targets for the improvement of road traffic safety by the year 2010. In the Netherlands a program for infrastructure measures was launched, to meet the Dutch targets. The ongoing developments in the field of ITS applications seem however to offer viable alternatives for large-scale infrastructure reconstruction. This paper explores the feasibility of five ADAS applications (navigation, speed assistance, collision avoidance, intersection support and lane keeping) to complement or partly substitute infrastructure measures to reach the stated goals. State-of-the-art and the potential of enabling technologies like positioning, radar, laser, video imaging and communication are analysed from a technical perspective. Technical issues relating to large-scale dedicated ADAS implementation for traffic safety, as well as related policy issues, are discussed.

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