Keywords- Human Machine Interface, Intelligent Vehicles, Telematics, Multimedia, Driver Assistance Systems
Abstract - The dramatic advances in electronics, telecommunications and software processing play a major role in the change of our society. The car industry is also affected by this evolution and almost every innovation will be achieved with the help of electronics.
New advanced electronic functions increase safety, comfort and communication capabilities of present and next generation vehicles. Nevertheless all these new technologies are also increasing the complexity within the car. A deep analysis of the interaction between the driver and the different functions is crucial to assure the real benefits of these new technologies. The Human Machine Interface is becoming an essential field and it represents a challenge for the car manufacturer since it is a discipline that has to combine properly many different aspects.
This paper presents the different innovation fields and the expected advanced functions that will be introduced in next generation vehicles. Also, it analyses the important role played by HMI aspects, giving an overview on the main issues that in a general HMI approach should be considered. Some research experiences carried out by SEAT in the field of advanced technologies and HMI are also presented. Finally, in the summary section the main conclusions are outlined.