Lateral Collision Avoidance; Blind Spot Detection; Vehicle safety and comfort; Real time image processing; Optoelectronic devices.
Preventative safety is a topic where car manufacturers and component suppliers are spending a great amount of research effort. On of the subjects of this research is the development of sensors able to help the driver to avoid lateral collisions. FICOSA International developed in the latest five years a sound experience on this topic, developing and testing several kinds of sensors for this function. In particular the research focused on sensors based on vision. A first version of this sensor was based on a CCD micro-camera, on a relatively compact image-processing unit and a little HMI unit. The provided support function consists on the activation of a suitable warning indication when overtaking vehicles, moving in the blind zone, are detected by the system. This system is at writing date under evaluation by a carmaker for possible application on a van.
FICOSA International Research Laboratories now has developed a second-generation device able to cope with the limitations of the present system and to further extend its performances. This new sensor has been installed on different prototype vehicles. This paper describes this new sensor and some functional evaluations, performed in real traffic and weather conditions, using some specifically equipped vehicles.