Keywords - Vehicle Electric Power Management System, Controller Area Network, CAN Node, Intelligent Transducer, On-board Monitoring
Abstract - The purpose of this study is to develop a vehicle electric power management system using controller area network (CAN) technology. To validate the designed system, several vehicle electric power consumption devices are used to construct CAN nodes in the CAN bus. An electric circuit for measuring the current and voltage of each vehicle electric device is constructed and integrated with a micro-controller, Microchips PIC18F452, to form an intelligent transducer. A CAN controller, Microchips MCP2510, and a transceiver, MCP2551, are then added to form a CAN node. The designed system can be used in on-board monitoring of vehicle electric power consumption. In addition, it can be used by automechanics when diagnosing and repairing the road-vehicle electric system. If properly modified, the proposed system can be used in power monitoring system in any kind of vehicles, as well as in factory manufacturing systems.