Keywords - Vehicle simulation, Hybrid vehicle, Internal combustion engine simulation, Engine control, AMESim® environment.
Abstract - To reach the target of emission levels and fuel economy, vehicles are becoming more and more complex. Energetic sub-assemblies (engine, transmission, after-treatment ) interact and require to be developed as a dynamic system. Numerical simulation for system design, set-up and control strategies help to reduce the development cycle and cut global cost.
Existing simulation tools are dedicated to a restricted area; none enables the designer to ad-dress, with a high level of detail, the various physical domains involved in vehicle and engine system simulation. IFP and IMAGINE set-up a synergy to develop simulation tools dedicated to performance, consumption and emissions for conventional and hybrid vehicles. These tools are integrated in a multi-domain simulation platform (mechanics, VTM, powertrain, fuel injection, chassis engineering ). Several levels of detail can be reached for each sub-element of a model keeping the same boundary conditions. Each stage of the energetic system development cycle (architecture design, component development, system control strategy, and final validation) can now be done with a single simulation environment.
We briefly present in the paper the different libraries in development: IFP-DRIVE dedicated to vehicle behaviour on driving cycles, IFP-ENGINE for the detailed simulation of internal combustion engine, IFP-EXHAUST for the detailed simulation of the exhaust line including the pollutant aftertreatment components. The integration of IFP-C3D, the IFP 3D combustion code, in AMESim® environment is also evoked. Several application examples are given for each library. As an extension of the previous application examples, a complete model of vehicle including detailed engine and transmission models, is proposed, showing the ability of the tools in terms of integration and evaluation of technological solutions at the early stage of the component development.