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Dynamic Wheel Position Measurement System for Road Testing


Clément Vachey - IDIADA Automotive Technology
Sébastien Hoppenot - IDIADA Automotive Technology
Alexandre Català* - IDIADA Automotive Technology



−Handling performance

−Wheel position and angles

−Dynamic and static tests

−High accuracy

−Sharp components


Suspension design and optimisation has been a challenging task for automotive chassis engineers because of its complexity, the interactivity of numerous phenomena and the difficulty in correlating simulation and experimental results.

Additionally, several factors which should be given equal importance need to be considered and balanced:

−Handling performance,

−Braking stability,

−Tire wear and resistance,

−Vibrational and noise isolation,

−Space and weight,


Considering the first three concepts on this list, the control and evaluation of the suspension geometry remains one of the key issues for successful design and tuning.

Historically, these measurements have been complex, difficult to perform and inaccurate. Chassis engineers have solved this situation with alternative test rigs that simulate partial or similar road test inputs while the wheel movement and orientation is measured. However, the most effective way to assess the effect of suspension design on the vehicle behaviour is the measurement in dynamic situation of:

−Wheel position: X, Y and Z,

−Wheel orientation : toe and camber angles.

This paper presents an innovative and efficient vehicle sensor specifically designed for the measurement of these variables in typical driving conditions, and for the use in vehicle development programmes. The DynaWheel a robust mechanical arm with state-of-the-art electronic components and complete analysis tools.

Examples of applications, results and correlation with other techniques will also be presented.

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