Keywords - transmission, CVT, clearance between elements, giga-cycles, ultrasonic fatigue test
Abstract - Honda is the first automotive manufacturer to have independently developed the metal pushing V-belt to mass production stage. Diameter of inclusions in material is decreased and temperature of solution treatment is optimised to increase fatigue strength of rings. The improvement is confirmed by ultrasonic fatigue tests. A fatigue limit is found between fatigue life and stress amplitude, within the ultra-high durability aria over 10° .
Clearance between elements is optimised using the measured data of the clearance between elements at operation, because the clearance between elements effects on power transmitting efficiency and wear of contact surface between elements and pulleys. Contact point between nose and hole and conditions of heat treatment for elements are optimized concerning fatigue strength of element nose. The ultrasonic fatigue tests are also persuaded on the element material. The fatigue limit between fatigue life and stress amplitude is also found as the effect on the improvement of heat treatment, within the ultra-high durability aria over 10° .