Keywords - Internal Models - Predictive Control - Real-Time Optimisation Automotive On-board Electronics - Energy Management -
Abstract - In Automotive applications, the increasing use of electronics and electrical modules lead to more and more complex on-board power-train & power-net controllers in serial production cars.
A real-time optimization strategy applied to the on-board combustion & electrical energy consumption is proposed in this paper, based on automatic real-time up-dated decisions applied to: gear-shifts, torque delivery, and battery charge. This strategy depends on the driver request, on the external driving conditions, on the current running point efficiency of the power-train, and on the electrical energy status. For this purpose, a new approach is described in this paper, using model-based algorithms. The optimization is on-line computerized with fast internal simulation of the global system. Kind of recursive algorithms can then provide the optimal solutions at each sample time.
Three strategies are described:
- a local or 'static' optimization, centered on the current running point,
- a 'global' optimization related to the whole trip planning (periods of minutes or hours),
- and a 'predicted' optimization on a moving-time-window defined as the near next time period of few seconds or minutes, including all the predictable large-scale, high and low-frequency dynamics of the whole system (power-train + electrical power-net), modeled and integrated into the on-board micro-controllers.
Two main applications are described in this paper:
- an optimal management of engine torque and transmission gear-shifts,
- and a more robust battery diagnosis for optimization of the energy use. Some simulations and real tests are described, which provide promising results, able to improve significantly the energy use reduction in a vehicle.
The field of applications is wide open: for automotive power-train & power-net management as described here, as well as for many other industrial applications, as aerospace electrical control, building lighting, handy phones, etc