Keywords Wheel Slip Control, Sliding Mode Control, Moving Sliding Surface, Vehicle Dynamics Control, Nonlinear Control
Abstract - This paper describes robust and fast wheel slip control using moving a sliding surface technique. Unlike the conventional sliding mode control, the moving sliding surface moves (shifts and rotates) to the desired sliding surface from the initial condition and thus fast tracking can be obtained. In addition, the moving sliding mode was originally designed to ensure that the states remain on a sliding surface, thereby simultaneously achieving robustness and eliminating chattering at the same time. In vehicle dynamics, the wheel slip during driving can change because of environmental variations which always happen in driving conditions. The moving sliding surface technique is applied to wheel slip control to get a robust and fast response. The design strategy is based on a moving sliding surface that only contains the error between the reference input wheel slip and the actual wheel slip. The proposed controller can track a reference input wheel slip in a predetermined time. Simulations are performed and analyzed to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed moving sliding mode controller.