Training techniques, complex driving tasks, motor imagery, Virtual Reality, driving simulator.
Motor imagery is the mental process that happens when the human brain simulates motor task without any evident muscular activation. Many studies have demonstrated that the brain areas activated during a motor imagery process are correlated to those activated during the execution of the examined task. Taking into account this scientific background, the EEC financed project I-Learning (I-Learning: immersion/imagery enhanced learning) bases on the promising hypothesis, not still completely investigated, that VR technologies could enhance the effectiveness of mental practice and improve the acquisition of motor skills. In this activity the application of this approach to the teaching of a complex driving task has been investigated, in order to define an innovative cost and time effective learning method. Several applications would be expected in the future, as the training of racing drivers and the teaching to drive with innovative controls.
This paper describes the first year of work, which general goal has been to develop innovative techniques for the teaching of advanced driving skills, based on the use of Virtual Reality environments to evoke motor imagery in training subjects. The main objectives of the Project are to assure the best effectiveness to the driving application of I-learning techniques and to allow these techniques to be transferred to low-cost driving simulators and HW devices.
A proposal for an I-learning training methodology has been formulated. The driving skills achieved with the use of this technique will be compared with that of a traditional training, to demonstrate the validity of this approach.
This document contains two main chapters, the first dedicated to the driving application of I-Learning techniques in a Virtual reality context, and the second to the description of the I-Learning driving protocol.