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Nonlinear Control of a Hydraulically Actuated Clutch Servo System: Design and Performance Evaluation


Marcello Montanari* - University of Bologna
Fabio Ronchi - University of Bologna
Carlo Rossi - University of Bologna
Amedeo Visconti - Ferrari S.p.A.


Keywords - automotive control, clutch servo actuation, hydraulic actuators, modelling, performance evaluation.

Abstract - A hydraulic actuated clutch control system for commercial cars is considered. The development of a simplified model, which takes into account the fundamental behavior of the system, is mandatory for the design of the clutch controller. The proposed controller is composed by feed-forward terms obtained through model inversion and closed-loop regulators in a cascade structure. With respect to commercial clutch position controllers, an inner pressure loop is added in order to improve the achievable performance, mostly in terms of robustness with respect to parameter uncertainties and performance repeatability. Performances of the proposed position tracking controller have been tested on different experimental set-ups. Performance repeatability, robustness and simplicity of the algorithm allow the implementation on commercial electronic control units.

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