Keywords - Mechatronics, Development, Design, Integration, System.
Abstract - By-wire systems are emerging today in automotive industries. From the technical point of view, development methods must change from mechanic + electronic methods to robotic ones. But simple actuations (1 or 2 degrees of freedom), high safety and reliability requirements, high volume/low cost production constrains make the robotic development methods not suitable for these new kind of automotive products. The Mechatronics term has risen in automotive industry as the solution to these new devices.
Traditional mechanic enterprises have coped with mechatronic development challenges using
separated disciplines techniques, and the result has been, in most cases, far from optimum. Mechanic + electronic development must follow the same maturation process that the electronic + software development did to reach the well known today term of embedded systems. A mechatronic product must be developed as a holistic product, and each product development battles have to be fought by the entire development team, closely assisted by industrialization and quality teams.
In this presentation we will show methodology, techniques and useful tools to develop a mechatronic product, while building product know-how and solution libraries reusable for future developments.