Keywords Driving Dynamics, Measuring, Parameter Identification, Modelling and Simulation, Objectification
Abstract With the intention of the simulation and identification of driving dynamics and the virtual evaluating prediction of vehicle drafts and components, the dvr-model has been developed at the IfF (Institute of Automotive Engineering). The three basic elements driver-vehicle-road are shown as single modules. As an additional tool of parameterisation, a process of identification is introduced. This makes it possible to estimate unknown quantities on the base of measured data of time.
With examples of application, the use of the model and identification environment as a development tool usable in practice is explained. The purpose of the simulation platform on the one hand is the demanded detailed and straight account of the real driving dynamics which depend on the area of application. On the other hand, it is the meaningful account of a problem-specific defined and objectified measurement (objective note) as an equivalent and / or redundant indication for the subjective valuation in the driving experiment. In this connection, especially the represented attempts on the basis of a driver modelling indicate new possibilities.
Additionally, as a driving state observer far-reaching new areas of application for the monitoring and the intervention of future controlling systems of vehicle dynamics are produced in connection with the real time-capable reproduction of dynamic drivers properties on the basis of the application-orientated formulated substitute models.