Mechatronics, Door Electronics, DPM-Technology, Client Server Architecture, System Cost
Currently there is a wide range of technical solutions for door electronics used in automotive industry, all mainly based on conventional technology. The future challenge for suppliers is to offer the required degree of variety in order to allow for differentiation in the market place. But in parallel quality and robustness have to be improved and reductions in cost and time-to-market must be achieved. Also no limitations on enhanced functionality must be created.
Even if these targets seem to be conflicting, it will be shown that Mechatronics is the right answer to this challenge. However, similar like in semiconductor integration, the success depends on production volumes. Therefore the diversification of products must be limited.
Today's drivers for diversification and its consequences are identified. From this baseline the principles on architectural and product level are described which have to be applied in order to achieve the targets being set. Examples for product realisations are shown and a detailed analysis of the cost potential is carried out. Basis for the evaluation of cost potentials are calculations for real car platforms, covering various requirements regarding architecture, functionality, design and anti pinch technology. Most of the considered data are confirmed by customers. Finally an overview about the resulting benefits is given.