Keywords - Vehicle Dynamics Control, Lane Detection System, Active Steering, Driver Behaviour, Nonlinear Control
Abstract - Current systems for vehicle dynamics control typically use the steering wheel angle as an input to determine the set point for yaw rate control. However, results from driving experiments show that common drivers often steer inadequately during critical driving situations. In this paper a new concept of vehicle dynamics control is presented which uses information provided by a lane detection system instead of the driver steering angle. In order to stabilise the vehicle motion within the driving lane an additional steering angle is applied by an active front steering system. This corrective steering angle is obtained by mixing the driver steering angle and a stabilising steering angle calculated using a nonlinear state controller based on online-Riccati-design. The degree of controller intervention depends on measures for both driver steering angle adequacy and vehicle stability. Simulation results illustrate the stabilising effect of the steering interventions under presence of bad driver performance.