Vehicle Simulation, Automotive Applications, Electric Vehicles, Hybrid Power Integration, Integrated Vehicle Simulation
Simulation and variational calculations of complex systems are procedures to speed up problem solving and accomplish virtual prototypes. The examination of power trains in cars and their physical behaviour requires special techniques for the modelling of different electrical and electromagnetic components and electronics. System considerations of automobile power trains of conventional as well as hybrids and electrical cars, results in the need for mixed technology, mixed mode simulation on a high abstraction level. At the same time high accuracy is required to gain significant results. To reach these contrary goals, qualified evaluation of all component physics is necessary as well as a suitable generation of behavioural models on system levels.
Beside usual electronic systems, electrical drives and actuators, modern and alternative cars show highly non-linear and dynamic components such as electrical valve train, integrated starter generators and electrical machines for hybrid and e-car applications. In addition new energy storage concepts and components as well as main and auxiliary networks have to be considered. Thus many types of physical effects have to be regarded, which are static, stationary or dynamic in nature. Power, energy and torque related parameters have to be evaluated.
The way to transfer physical behaviour to simplified component models well suited for system level simulation is shown. The integration in power train simulators give the opportunity to detect exceptional status of the system and to perform extensive tests within the simulation of complete systems to gain requested results. Assumed an appropriate modelling and selection of relevant parameters, variants and optimisation loops may be automated, giving the user an excellent possibility to speed up the engineering process for any type of vehicles modified conventional vehicle, hybrid and electrical cars. The principal, complete way of the development and modelling of mechatronical components and their integration into the complete power train is shown on actual automotive examples, thus the complete simulation procedure from the component over the sub-system and power train up to the complete vehicle is shown. Values and computed data are discussed, on the basis of power train as well as vehicle data like emissions and fuel consumption.