Event simulation, assembly factory, what if analysis, optimization, JIT
Changes and continuous improvements in productivity systems make necessary the realization of improvements and create the necessity of taking decisions. Simulation programs are a good support tool for this type of decision based on what ifanalysis. In the manufacturing of a new vehicle model there is an effect on all the lines of an assembly plant. This effect is more critical if it is carried out in a JIT (just in time) sequenced production system. This paper is based on the Opel Spain factory in Zaragoza, on which a wide range of analysis has been developed, based on the study of the behaviour of the plant using simulation tools.
The objective of this paper is to determine the impact in the assembly plant caused by the manufacturing of a new model. For the analysis of this case they have developed a simulation model of the main production lines integrated with the auxiliary lines (doors, cockpit), which transport the parts through the factory to the corresponding assembly and verification stations. The results obtained are related to: the independence time (time that a line can work with the other line stopped), strategies of using the resources, capacity of the auxiliary lines, breakdown reactions. Based on the model we have obtained a collection of procedures in the plant that allow increasing the independence time between the assembly lines.