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A Rapid Prototyping Environment for the Development and Optimization of ACC Acceleration Control Units


H. Holzmann - Darmstadt University of Technology
C. Halfmann - Darmstadt University of Technology
S. Drogies - Darmstadt University of Technology
C. Hamann - Adam OPEL AG
N. Simm - Adam OPEL AG


Modern Adaptive Cruise Control Systems (ACC) providing additional comfort for the driver will become a common feature of series vehicles in the near future. The adjustment of their system parameters to different engine or gear types even of the same vehicle body version is based on an extensive series of tests. To reduce these expensive tests, this contribution describes an approach to tune the controller parameters based on simulation results provided by a closed-loop simulation environment. In this case, only the controller fine-tuning which mostly has to consider comfort aspects has to be done on-board the vehicle.

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