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Modeling of Driver Steering Behavior under Lateral Wind Disturbance on a Real Road - Validity of Wind Reaction Model -


T. Wakasugi - Japan Automobile Research Institute
H. Soma - Japan Automobile Research Institute
K. Hiramatsu - Japan Automobile Research Institute


The purpose of this paper is to validate a new drive model we have proposed. This model, named "Wind Reaction Model" is based on the assumption that the driver controls steering angle responding to the wind velocity and desired future course deviation. Three models were applied to the computer simulation for the driving under the lateral wind disturbance : a linear prediction model, second order prediction model and the proposed model. The accuracy of the simulations was investigated. It was consequently clarified that the steering wheel angle simulated by the wind reaction model was in relatively good agreement with the experimental, and that the model is applicable to simulations of a wide scope under various wind conditions.

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