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Direct Yaw Moment Control with Estimating Side-slip Angle by Using On-board-tire-model


Y. Furukawa - Honda R&D Co., Ltd.
M. Abe - Kanagawa Institute of Technology


In AVEC'96, the authors reported on the proposed control strategy of Direct Yaw Moment Control (DYC) which use the information of the tire lateral forces estimated by an on-board-tire-model and use the sliding surface in order to converge vehicle steering response to desirable characteristics. This paper proposes an additional control strategy in which the vehicle body side-slip angle is estimated by integrating the tire lateral forces calculated by the tire model used in the control law of the sliding control. The effects of the proposed DYC have been analyzed with the computer simulation in which a 14 degree of freedom vehicle nonlinear model with nonlinear combined slip type of tire model is used. Though from the strict point of view, the friction coefficient between tire and road surface is necessary in the on-board-tire-model, the robustness of the vehicle performance to the variation of the friction coefficient is proven in the simulation. It is shown that the vehicle performance, even on icy road surface, is significantly improved by the proposed DYC. This is true with the friction coefficient in the on-board-tire-model set as on a dry road condition, though the side-slip angle itself can not necessarily be estimated so precisely.

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