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Integrated Project PReVENT: Accidentology as a Basis for Requirements and System Architecture of Preventive Safety Applications


Matthias Schulze - DaimlerChrysler
Joachim Irion - Irrion Management Consulting
Tapani Mäkinen Tapani - VTT Technical Research Centre
Maxime Flament* - ERTICO - ITS Europe


PReVENT takes a first comprehensive step towards realising the vision of a safety zone around vehicles by means of complementary safety functions. The most critical accident scenarios are covered by the applications developed. The integration aspects of the project demonstrate a number of different applications on one platform and making a seamless time to collision horizon from tens of seconds down to zero. Due to the multi-causal nature of accidents and a certain randomness, safety systems with continuous alert and early warning are needed. The foundation for requirements are laid in the analysis of driver behaviour and accidents, followed by a definition of functions needed from a vehicle to prevent the accident from happening or mitigating its consequences. The requirements database was created and requirements were classified into six main categories. A common PReVENT architecture is presented and highlighted with a detailed description of a sub-project focusing on lateral safety applications.

Keywords - Preventive and active safety applications, architecture of safety functions, integration of safety functions, accidentology

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