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Comparison of Different Systems of Measurement of Skid Resistance


Pierre-Olivier Vandanjon* - Laboratoire Central des Ponts et Chaussées – LCPC
Minh Tan Do - Laboratoire Central des Ponts et Chaussées – LCPC
Yves Delannes - Laboratoire Central des Ponts et Chaussées – LCPC
Arnaud Andrieux - Laboratoire Central des Ponts et Chaussées – LCPC
Patrick Daburon - Laboratoire Central des Ponts et Chaussées – LCPC


This study takes place within the work package 2 of the European Project INTelligent Roads (INTRO). Its main objective is to develop and use novel methods to sense sudden changes in local road friction conditions in order to provide real time warnings for road users. Before large scale tests on actual roads, it is necessary to assess these method on test tracks under controlled conditions : this is the objective of basic evaluation tests at LCPC in Nantes (France). The tests hold on the LCPC reference test tracks on six different wearing courses : surface dressing, bituminous concrete, epoxy is presented the results obtained with a fully equipped vehicle based on a peugeot 406. Thanks to its various sensors and according to simplified dynamic model of vehicle , we obtain the longitudinal friction coefficient and the slip rate. The quality of signals are checked through a repeatability procedure. The results are coherent with data delivered by a conventional skid resistance measurement system : Adhera, which is an equipment, usually used in France by the road administration.

Keywords:tire road friction, slip rate, conventional measurement, dynamic model, signal processing

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